Friday, March 4, 2011

Birthday Girl

Today was Julianna's 3rd birthday! It was a really fun day. I know Jules had a good time! Here are some pictures to share with you.

Sisters! Julianna is holding her new baby doll, which she absolutely adores! :)

The cake. I asked what she wanted for a cake, and she said, 'A fish cake!' So she got a fish cake. :)

I put Jules beside her cake to take her picture, and this is what happened:

Frosting and fingers just go together
hmm.. tasty!
I laughed so hard when I looked back over those pictures! :)

that's better :)

Happy Birthday my sweet Julianna! :)


  1. Happy Birthday Julianna! I'm loving that sugar picture... LOL. Priceless!! Love and miss you all very much!

  2. Love the pics! Happy Birthday Jules!
